How many times have you looked at a lawn care logo and thought, ‘I could do better than that’? How often have you sat down and tried to design your own logo, only to realize that perhaps you should leave the design to the professionals?
While it is true that a professional can design a better and more marketable logo than you can, you need to realize that a great logo is not a thing which you want, just for the sake of it; it is part of how you will market your lawn care business and gain new customers. A good logo will set you apart from the competition, and prove the old adage that first impressions can make or break your business. So, what should you be thinking about when it comes to lawn care logos?
First Impressions
Your logo is often the first thing that your customer will see. It does not matter if they are flicking through the local classified ads or are watching your van from across the street as you pull up at an existing client’s property; your logo can dictate whether they will choose you or not.
Your lawn care logo design is a representation of who you are and what your business is all about. A great logo will draw attention to you and tell people what you stand for. Your logo will be over everything associated with your business; your business cards, vehicles, uniforms, website, and more.

You need to start with a solid image. If you are working with a designer, then they will be able to guide you in this. If you are using a design website, then you will need to find an image which conveys what you are about. You are a lawn care business, and your logo image should convey that. Your potential customers should be able to look at your logo and know what you do without seeing any of the text.
The one thing you want to shy away from is overused images. Do you know the local lawn care businesses in your area? What images are they using on their logos? Do a quick search for lawn care businesses online and see what images they are using. You do not want to use an image which is used by everyone for fear of blending in with the crowd, but you also do not want to use an image so removed from lawn care that nobody knows what your company does.
Your image should suggest lawn care, while not being the same as every other logo out there.

When you start out with your logo, you are going to want to use green as your main color. When you look at everyone else’s logos and see that they are also using green, you may be put off, but you need not be. Green may be a cliché, but it is one for a good reason. If you want to add something different to your logo, then consider adding some other warm and earthy colors such as brown, red, orange, and yellow. Try to limit your logo to two or three colors, and as a test, you should convert your logo to black and white to see if it still looks good.
The font and words are also important to consider when creating your logo. Never use Comic Sans; your font should be professional, but at the same time, convey your personality and the personality of the business. If your company is more fun than others, then show that, but do not put customers off by a lack of professionalism. Try different fonts with your logo and see how they look against your image. Show copies to friends and family and take this feedback on board.
Be Inspired
Look at the lawn care logos around you. What do you like about them? What makes a logo stand out? Do an image search and think about the same questions. What would work for your business? What logo best matches your personality? What can you borrow from other designs and make your own?
Getting Stuck In
Now that you have an idea of what you want to create, you can get stuck in and design your logo. There are many websites out there which will provide you with free templates and help you to design your logo. Here are our favorites:
The road you choose to go down is up to you. If you can afford it, then you can hire someone to design your logo for you from start to finish. If you do, then make sure that you are willing to accept feedback and that the designer is too. If you want to use an existing template, then there are many free templates out there which you can choose from. Of course, you could also design your own logo yourself from start to finish.
No matter what road you go down, you shook always remember that your logo is with you for life and that it will become the new face of your company. Your logo should be attractive, inviting, and professional. It should tell customers who you are and what you can do. It should stand you above the competition. First impressions are everything. Your logo could send your business soaring.