If you are thinking about starting your own lawn care business, or you have just started one, you should already be thinking about how to advertise lawn care and other land services. Lawn care advertising need not be a painful process, and a little effort can go a long way towards promoting your business and collecting a customer base (or growing an existing one).

There are many ways you can inform people that you are out there. From lawn mowing ads to lawn care marketing, to word of mouth, there are a number of ways in which you can put yourself and your business out there. That being said, it can also be overwhelming when you see what your options are. How do you know where to start? And, what methods are most effective? We are here to help you get started with lawn care advertising.


lawn care advertising methods

When we think about lawn care advertising, we often think about billboards, classified ads, and lawn signs, but there is an obvious way in which you can advertise yourself without having to spend a lot of money. Imagine an ad which travels around the area you want to work in. Now, imagine this ad comes with proof of your work. It is so important that you have your logo and business information on your vehicles (as well as on your uniforms).

If a potential customer sees your van in their area, then they know that you are local. It also saves them time in having to look up companies. It also comes with the added benefit that they can see you or your employees at work. With a lot of services, it can be hard to know how good they are unless you see them in person. This is exactly what your potential customers will get when they see your branded vehicle and your people at work.

Covering your vehicles with branding may cost some money, but once the vehicles have your logo on them, they are there permanently, and you do not have to worry about renting advertising space or spending any more money. Branded vehicles are seen by hundreds, if not thousands of people every year. They are one of the most effective advertising methods for local businesses.

Our top tip is to make sure that you are placing your vehicles in strategic positions. You want your vehicle to have as much visibility as possible when it is parked.

Business Cards

We have found that giving a business card to your existing customers after visiting them is an effective method of keeping them on board. They usually stick them to their fridge (you can try fridge magnets too), and, when it comes time to have their lawn done again, the phone number is right there. You can also pass on a few to your customers to pass onto friends who may need lawn care. If you see someone watching you as you work, go over and engage with them. Give them a card too.

One method which works well is visiting the neighbors of a customer you have just serviced. If you are good enough for their neighbor, then you are good enough for them too, right? Pass on your lawn service business card and you can be sure that they will check out your work the next time they pass their neighbor's yard. It also allows you to engage with customers and let them know that you are local.


lawn care marketing

Having your own website for your lawn care business is an essential step to give you a presence online. Setting up a website for your lawn business is easy to do yourself and is cheap. Once you have a website setup for your business you should also setup a business page on your social media accounts on sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. These accounts are excellent resources for lawn care advertising and allow you to build an audience and share photos of completed work. Your social pages should also have a link back to your website, which will help its Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

If you have the time, it is worthwhile learning about SEO for your website as if you are able to get your website on the first page of google for lawn mowing services and related search terms you will capture a huge potential audience of customers.


If you do not have the time to go door to door and engage with people, then you can also find success with lawn care flyers. Beware, though, as most people will crumple the flyer and throw it in the trash. Try to make your flyer stand out and have it tell potential customers what you can do without being wordy. Flyers is a numbers game; the more flyers you get out there, the more people will call you – but remember that the rate will be low.


Word of mouth is one of the most powerful forms of advertising for your lawn business. If a recommendation comes from someone you know, then you are more likely to choose that business should you need that service, but remember that the same works with bad reviews too. Go the extra mile to ensure that your customers talk to others about you, and if you like, you can always add incentives. Give a discount to customers when they refer a friend (if you can afford the reduction).

Lawn Service Advertising Methods


Going local is always the best idea. Take ads out in local newspapers or other publications. Talk to the business directories in your area and make sure that you are included (especially if you are a new company). You can also talk to them about having a featured ad. Find local community board, such as in grocery stores, and advertise there too. Put an ad on your local online classified site, such as Craigslist.

If you can get honest reviews from customers and have their permission, then it is always beneficial to include them in your advertising. Just remember to trim the reviews so that they are to the point and not too wordy. People get put off if there is too much to read (especially if they just want their lawn mown).


Even with a tiny budget, you can still advertise your business effectively. One point that we recommend thinking about is that you are advertising yourself more than your business. People like to put a face to a service. If you can get out there and engage with your customers, then you are going to build your customer base easily.

There is a multitude of ways in which you can advertise, and the best part is that you can take advantage of them all. We would always recommend branding your vehicle and have found the most success with this method. Going door to door and talking with potential customers is also a great way to meet your new customers.